

M.U-Miquel Uguet

M.S-Maria del Mar



M– welcome to radio Lledoner. Today we will give you sane great news. To begin we will have actors in the movie

M.- Here we have have in Miquel,  Solas and Souhaila.

M.- Good morning.

M.- Miquel whats your role in the movie?

M.U- I play Richard  Colombian drug dealer and i am also Kidnapper.

M- And you Solas, what role do you play?

M.S- I play Jenifer drug Richards wife

M- And you Souhaila?

S.- I play Melani the little girl who is kindapper

M.- What is the plot of the movie?

M.- Plot  of the movie is abaut a girl who goes out of school Andaman invites her to some chocolate and the girl accepts.