the school newspaper

Author mrigo3

Aries Money: You will waste your money on cats and on a lot of cigarettes Health: Your health will be really bad. Love: You will never find love. Taurus Money: You will donate $1.000 for a good reason. Health: You… Continue Reading →

Interview with our english teacher Katerina

Hello, we are a group of journalists: Miquel, Rida, Judith and Jaume. We are working on an English project. We picked a card and our card said that we had to make an interview in our journalists project. In this interview we’ve chosed interviewing our English teacher Katerina. We’ve asked her questions aout her life and what she likes. Miquel and Judith have made the questions and Rida has been the camera. Visit the video and see it all. Have a look at the section "INTERVIEWS" to see our video.

Hello, we are a group of journalists: Miquel, Rida, Judith and Jaume. We are working on an English project. We picked a card and our card said that we had to make an interview in our journalists project. In this… Continue Reading →

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