We are Paula,Yehudit,Jhiale and Pau.

1-What’s the past simple of fight?

-fought -fougt -fighted -foughts

2-What’s the opposite of shout?

-whisper -stand -speak -say

3-What’s the past participle of cost?

-Costed -costs -cost -cote

4-Complete the sentence:

You ………football two days ago.

-Play -played -don’t play -doesn’t play

5-What’s the past participle of cost?

-lended -lent -lend -lennt

6-How do you translate feather?

-gorito -font -coixĂ­ -plumes

7-Complete the sentence?

There………….a police man

8-Complete the sentence.

My favourite subject is…..because,I like go to laboratory.

-Maths -science -history -P.E

9-Translate this word:Soup

-sopa -cuchara sopera -jabon

10-Translate this word:Cera

-Father -pillow -pavement -paper